CQ CQ CQ this is calling the Mountaineer Amateur Radio ASsociation Weather Net. This net meets each Wednesday at 9:00 PM local time for the purpose of recruiting and training a reliable group of weather observers to report weather and road conditions throughout the area. The MARA repeater roundtable net meets after this net closes. All amateurs are invited to check-in and to report the following weather information if it is available: (UNKEY TO RESET REPEATER TIMEOUT DO THIS REGULARLY) 1. Current sky conditions, 2. Visibility, 3. Current temperature, 4. Precipitation (type, amount and time of reading), 5. Wind speed and direction, 6. Barometric pressure and tendancy, 7. Humidity, and 8. Weather related road conditions. For the MARA weather net, this is , my name is located at . Do we have any mobile check-ins? Please call at this time. Any other stations wishing to check in, please call and spread 'em out. NCs should acknowledge each check-in. After stations have checked in, NCS will give THEIR weather report first. When NCS is ready to copy each weather report, they will call each station and receive the reports and confirm them. **Remember to reset the repeater time-out occasionally** Pause reports occasionally to ask for additional check-ins, signing your call and name every once in a while. "Do any stations have questions, comments, or announcements pertraining to the weather net? Please sign your call" "Any announcements of a general nature?" "Since there is no more business for the weather net, we will now close the net at